2023年度第12回定例研究会「Analyzing the “Cultural Identity” of Videogames: Through the Comparison Between Final Fantasy and The Witcher Game Series」

来る2024年3月14日(木曜日)、立命館大学ゲーム研究センターによる2023年度第12回定例研究会を実施致します。発表者は、Homeira Baghbanmoshiri氏です。登録・参加料不要となっております。お誘い合わせの上、奮ってご参加のほど、お待ちしております。

■発表タイトル Title

Analyzing the “Cultural Identity” of Videogames: Through the Comparison Between Final Fantasy and The Witcher Game Series

■発表者 Presenter

Homeira Baghbanmoshiri(Kobe University)

■日時 Date and Time

3月14日(木曜日) 16:20~18:20

■場所 Venue

立命館大学衣笠キャンパス 学而館研究会室 3 アクセス
Ritsumeikan Kinugasa Campas, Gakujikan Reserch Room 3 Access



ミーティングID: 910 1554 3036 パスコード: 031509

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■概要 Summary

Video games reflect the culture in which they are made, whether intentionally or not. If games were to accurately portray reality, they would be mundane and uninteresting. Therefore, when designers aim to simulate reality in games, they must stylize certain aspects to make the gameplay enjoyable. This is where the cultural element becomes significant, as the choice of what to stylize and how to stylize it is influenced by the cultural context. This presentation will compare the simulated game-world and the simulated player-character in two role-playing games, namely the Final Fantasy and The Witcher game series, to see how they reflect the cultural context in which they are created and consumed. To analyze the games in question, I will first refer to Mikhail Bakhtin’s theory of the chronotope to identify the repetitive patterns that construct each game. Once I have identified the chronotopes within the games, I will analyze them using postmodern theories of popular culture and mass media to understand how different choices in the simulation process reflect the cultural identity of the games.

発表資料 Document
