来る2024年4月4日(木曜日)、立命館大学ゲーム研究センターによる2024年度第1回定例研究会を実施致します。発表者は、Ben Wilkins氏とCor-Paul Bezemer氏です。登録・参加料不要となっております。お誘い合わせの上、奮ってご参加のほど、お待ちしております。なお,今回の研究会は情報理工学部創立20周年記念行事のプレイベントを兼ねています。
The Ritsumeikan Center for Game Studies will hold its first regular workshop of the 2024 academic year on Thursday, April 4, 2024. The presenters will be Mr. Ben Wilkins and Prof.Cor-Paul Bezemer. Registration is not required. There is no participation fee. We look forward to your active participation.This workshop also serves as a pre-event for the 20th anniversary celebration of the founding of the College of Information Science and Engineering.
■発表タイトル Title
Gamified approach to nationwide healthy ageing and rehabilitation
■発表者 Presenter
Ben Wilkins
■モデレータ Moderator
Jeremy White (College of Information Science and Engineering, Ritsumeikan University)
■日時 Date and Time
April 4, 2024, 15:45-16:30
■場所 Venue
立命館大学 大阪茨木キャンパス H棟 H241号室 アクセス
Ritsumeikan Osaka Ibaraki Campus, Building H, Room H241 Access

Meeting ID: 988 5763 3650
Passcode: 765084
※お手数をおかけいたしますがZoom Bombing対策のため、ログイン時にお名前をフルネームにしていただくようお願い致します。
To prevent Zoom Bombing, please make sure to use your full name when you log in to ZOOM.
■概要 Summary
This talk is about creating a nationally scalable, multi-award winning programme for healthy ageing, MSK self-management and rehabilitation with the integration gamification and mutually beneficial goals.
■略歴 Bio
Ben Wilkins is CEO of Good Boost, a social enterprise delivering digital musculoskeletal (MSK) therapeutic exercise and supported self-management services in partnership with leisure centres, swimming pools, community venues and charities, with a focus on ‘Active Ageing’ and ‘Healthy Ageing’. Ben is a registered Osteopath with a Master’s in Osteopathy (M.Ost) from Oxford Brookes University and an MSc in Musculoskeletal Science from the University of Oxford, with publications in aqua rehabilitation, digital rehab technology and peer-led MSK community services. He’s an MSK Clinical Champion for Versus Arthritis, Chair of the MSK Expert Group for the World Health Innovation Summit (WHIS) and a member of the WHO’s World Rehabilitation Alliance. Ben is a trustee of Healthwatch Merton with a focus on social prescribing, and completing a fellowship investigating the role of gamification on motivation and behaviour change for older adult MSK rehabilitation.
■発表タイトル Title
Visual quality assurance using foundation models
■発表者 Presenter
Cor-Paul Bezemer
■モデレータ Moderator
Ruck Thawonmas (College of Information Science and Engineering, Ritsumeikan University)
■日時 Date and Time
April 4, 2024, 16:30-17:15
■場所 Venue
立命館大学 大阪茨木キャンパス H棟 H241号室 アクセス
Ritsumeikan Osaka Ibaraki Campus, Building H, Room H241 Access

Meeting ID: 988 5763 3650
Passcode: 765084
※お手数をおかけいたしますがZoom Bombing対策のため、ログイン時にお名前をフルネームにしていただくようお願い致します。
To prevent Zoom Bombing, please make sure to use your full name when you log in to ZOOM.
■概要 Summary
An important step of visual quality assurance is the process of detecting visual bugs. Visual bugs are bugs that express themselves visually, i.e., you can detect them by just looking at them. Visual bugs occur in all software, but they are more common in visually-heavy such as GUI-based applications and games. In my lab, we focus on visual quality assurance using foundation models. In my talk, I will give an overview of some of our most recent work on using foundation models for
visual bug analysis for games. I will discuss two recent studies and present two datasets containing visual bugs in AAA games which can be used to evaluate your own foundation model.
■略歴 Bio
Cor-Paul Bezemer (he/his) is an associate professor in Software Engineering in the Electrical and Computer Engineering department at the University of Alberta. He is the Canada Research Chair in Quality Assurance of Intelligent Systems. He heads the Analytics of Software,GAmes And Repository Data (ASGAARD) lab, and is one of the vice-chairs of the SPEC research group on DevOps Performance.His research interests cover a wide variety of software engineering and performance engineering-related
topics, including automated testing, quality assurance, empirical software engineering and mining software repositories. He won the University of Alberta’s Faculty of Engineering Early Career Researcher award and a SPEC Contributor award in 2022. His work has been published in more than 60 publications at premier software engineering venues such as the TSE and EMSE journals and the ASE, ICSE, NeurIPS,ESEC-FSE, MSR, ICSME and ICPE conferences.