形式:冊子 ; 157 pages ; 29.7 cm
言語:jpn ; eng
原著論文 – Original Paper
- 倉根 啓. “ビデオゲームのストーリーは非整合的なのか.” REPLAYING JAPAN 6 (2024): 11–19. https://doi.org/10.34382/0002001113.
- Hawkinson, Eric. “eSports in Tourism Education: A Study of Student Attitudes and Career Prospects in the MICE Industry.” REPLAYING JAPAN 6 (2024): 21–27. https://doi.org/10.34382/0002001112.
- Idone Cassone, Vincenzo. “Media Imaginaries of Game Centers in Japanese Digital Games and Popular Media” REPLAYING JAPAN 6 (2024): 29-39. https://doi.org/10.34382/0002001111.
- Llovet-Ferrer, Marc. “A consideration of recent developments in academic research of the Japanese digital game industry” REPLAYING JAPAN 6 (2024): 41–54.
https://doi.org/10.34382/0002001110. - Shinya Miyagawa, Mamoru Endo, Mayu Urata and Takami Yasuda. “Examination of Use of AI in Managing Digital Communities: By Using Avatars for Experiential Learning for Beginners in Programming and Support by Generative AI” REPLAYING JAPAN 6 (2024): 55–59. https://doi.org/10.34382/0002001109.
- Pennington, Michael. “A Nation of Economics and Electronics: Curated Expressions of Post-1945 Japanese History in Sid Meier’s Civilization VI.” REPLAYING JAPAN 6 (2024): 61–74.
https://doi.org/10.34382/0002001108. - 楊 思予. “「サイバーWW1」:『Battlefield 1』におけるチーターをめぐるプレイヤー集団間の衝突の分析.” REPLAYING JAPAN 6 (2024): 75–83. https://doi.org/10.34382/0002001107.
- 上野 悠. “個人的なものとしてのゲームのプレイ: 卓越的プレイ、プレイスタイル、自己実現としての遊び.” REPLAYING JAPAN 6 (2024): 85–95. https://doi.org/10.34382/0002001105.
- 難波 優輝. “おもちゃ的自己:存在のモードの美学.” REPLAYING JAPAN 6 (2024): 97–107. https://doi.org/10.34382/0002001106.
研究ノート – Research Note
- 福井 弘教. “競馬と競艇のゲーム特性 -各競技の差異に着目して-.” REPLAYING JAPAN 6 (2024): 111–121. https://doi.org/10.34382/0002001117.
- 小孫 康平. “ビデオゲームに対する親の態度と小学生の使用に関する認識 -日中の大学生の調査から-.” REPLAYING JAPAN 6 (2024): 123–130. https://doi.org/10.34382/0002001116.
- 三宅 陽一郎, 坂田 新平, 藤本 広貴, 小林 一弘, 松永 圭一郎 and 阿部 拓人. “ゲーム産業におけるゲーム開発資料保存活動.” REPLAYING JAPAN 6 (2024): 131–136. https://doi.org/10.34382/0002001115.
翻訳 – Translation
- Youichiro Miyake and Shinpei Sakata. “AI in DRAGON QUEST IV: Game AI technologies from the Two Interviews with Creators.” REPLAYING JAPAN 6 (2024): 139–154. https://doi.org/10.34382/0002001114.

形式:冊子 ; 187 pages ; 29.7 cm
言語:jpn ; eng
原著論文 – Original Paper
- Listen, Benjamin W. “Speedrunning Terminology for Translation and Interpreting.” REPLAYING JAPAN 5 (2023): 37–47. http://doi.org/10.34382/00018321.
- Chen, Kuan, and Yuhsuke Koyama. “Investigation of Japanese Social Games Management on Twitter : Finding the Optimal Solution.” REPLAYING JAPAN 5 (2023): 49–63. http://doi.org/10.34382/00018322.
- Escande, Jessy. “Compiling, Connecting, Transforming : The Role of Fantasy Bestiaries in the Transmedial Diffusion and Appropriation of Foreign Imaginaries in Japan.” REPLAYING JAPAN 5 (2023): 65–79. http://doi.org/10.34382/00018323.
- 楊 思予. “「Battlefield 4」に対する中国政府とプレイヤ―の取り組み:「脆いゲームプレイ」の再創造.” REPLAYING JAPAN 5 (2023): 81–90. http://doi.org/10.34382/00018324.
- 根岸 貴哉. “ゲーム、実況者、視聴者の関係性からみるゲーム実況生放送の構造.” REPLAYING JAPAN 5 (2023): 91–98. http://doi.org/10.34382/00018325.
- Whistance-Smith, Gregory. “Framing American Space : Everyday Brutality in No More Heroes.” REPLAYING JAPAN 5 (2023): 99–108. http://doi.org/10.34382/00018326.
- 倉根 啓. “ゲームプレイはいかにして物語になるのか.” REPLAYING JAPAN 5 (2023): 109–119. http://doi.org/10.34382/00018327.
- Bjarnason, Nökkvi Jarl. “Learning to Make Sense of Japan in Video Games : How the Educational Affordances of Japan-Related Video Games Inform Their Interpretation.” REPLAYING JAPAN 5 (2023): 121–133. http://doi.org/10.34382/00018328.
- Oliva, Costantino. “Otocky : Adventures in Improvisational Musicking.” REPLAYING JAPAN 5 (2023): 135–146. http://doi.org/10.34382/00018329.
研究ノート – Research Note
- 小孫 康平. “ビデオゲームを題材にした「メディアと文化」の授業実践と評価.” REPLAYING JAPAN 5 (2023): 149–159. http://doi.org/10.34382/00018330.
- 福井 弘教. “「ゲーム」としてのパチンコに関する検討 : 演出の変遷を中心に.” REPLAYING JAPAN 5 (2023): 161–172. http://doi.org/10.34382/00018331.
- 太田 和彦, 高倉 暁大, 松岡 祐子, 高田 陽, 辻田 幸広, 村上 雅彦, 石川 武志, and 飯田 和敏. “オンラインでのシリアスゲームの共同制作過程の特徴 : シリアスボードゲームジャム 2021の事例から.” REPLAYING JAPAN 5 (2023): 173–184. http://doi.org/10.34382/00018332.

形式:冊子 ; 87 pages ; 29.7 cm
言語:jpn ; eng
原著論文 – Original Paper
- Lima Leandro Augusto Borges. 2022. “Kamurocho, Kazuma and I : Experiencing a Ludoformed District in the Yakuza series.” REPLAYING JAPAN 4 :9-21. http://doi.org/10.34382/00017633
- Blom Joleen. 2022. “Attachment, possession or Personalization? : Why the Character Trade in Animal Crossing: New Horizons Exploded.” REPLAYING JAPAN 4 :23-34. http://doi.org/10.34382/00017634
- Bruno Luca. 2022. “Artificial Intimacy : Gynoid and Artificial Intelligence in Japanese Character Intimacy Game Software.” REPLAYING JAPAN 4 :35-45. http://doi.org/10.34382/00017635
- Mikes Marek,Zahora Zdenek. 2022. “Japanese Digital Games in Czech Media Discourse.” REPLAYING JAPAN 4 :47-56. http://doi.org/10.34382/00017636
- Miyake Youichiro,Toriumi Fujio. 2022. “Extracting AI Technologies From Past Digital Games : By Using MCS-AI Dynamic Cooperative Model.” REPLAYING JAPAN 4 :57-61. http://doi.org/10.34382/00017637
- Navarro-Remesal Victor,Perez Zapata Beatriz. 2022. “Taiko vs bongo : Taiko no Tatsujin, Donkey Konga, and Japaneseness in their European Distribution.” REPLAYING JAPAN 4 :63-74. http://doi.org/10.34382/00017638
- Wijaya Stanley. 2022. “Imagining AI : Representation of AI in Japanese Visual Novels over the Years.” REPLAYING JAPAN 4 :75-84. http://doi.org/10.34382/00017639

発行地 :京都府京都市
形式:冊子 ; 181 pages ; 29.7 cm
言語:jpn ; eng
原著論文 – Original Paper
- Amano Keiji,Okabe Tsugumi,Rockwell Geoffrey. 2021. “Ethics and Gaming : The Presentation of Ethics and Social Responsibility by the Japanese Game Industry.” REPLAYING JAPAN 3 :11-20. https://doi.org/10.34382/00014531
- Bredikhina Liudmila. 2021. “Virtual Theatrics and the Ideal VTuber Bishōjo.” REPLAYING JAPAN 3 :21-32. https://doi.org/10.34382/00014532
- Fiadotau Mikhail. 2021. “Isolated Connectedness : Applying the Concept of Transinsularity to Japan’s Game History.” REPLAYING JAPAN 3 :33-41. https://doi.org/10.34382/00014533
- Herfs Laurence. 2021. “‘We Will Take Your Heart’ : Japanese Cultural Identity in Persona V.” REPLAYING JAPAN 3 :43-54. https://doi.org/10.34382/00014534
- Hinai Kosuke. 2021. “The Function of Personal Pronouns in French Gameplay Commentary.” REPLAYING JAPAN 3 :55-64. https://doi.org/10.34382/00014535
- McArthur Victoria. 2021. “The Throne for a Soul : A Study of the Storytelling Affordances of Japanese VR Games.” REPLAYING JAPAN 3 :65-76. https://doi.org/10.34382/00014536
- Paquet Alexandre. 2021. “Delivering Packages in Apocalyptic Times : Utopia and Collectives in Death Stranding.” REPLAYING JAPAN 3 :77-86. https://doi.org/10.34382/00014537
- Pelletier-Gagnon Jérémie,Dumont Alexandra,Jobin Antoine,Deslauriers Patrick,Bonenfant Maude. 2021. “‘Finally! My first shiny!’ : Vertical Text Mining Research Protocol and Multilingual Analysis of Player Community Discourse on Pokémon Sword and Shield on Twitter.” REPLAYING JAPAN 3 :87-99. https://doi.org/10.34382/00014538
- Pennington Michael. 2021. “Curated Expressions of Japanese History in Hearts of Iron IV.” REPLAYING JAPAN 3 :101-113 https://doi.org/10.34382/00014539
- Richardson Drew. 2021. “Pokémon, Yo-Kai Watch, Yuru Kyara : Economies of Friendship and Ethnography at Play.” REPLAYING JAPAN 3 :115-125 https://doi.org/10.34382/00014540
- ロート マーティン. 2021. “テレビゲーム文化の空間的展開 : FromSoftwareゲームの 生産的・流通的展開とそれにおけるソフトな文化的境界線.” REPLAYING JAPAN 3 :127-141 https://doi.org/10.34382/00014541
- Sellier Hélène. 2021. “Mobile Otome Games : Desire and Suspense as Economic Strategy.” REPLAYING JAPAN 3 :143-149 https://doi.org/10.34382/00014542
- Tosca Susana. 2021. “Mediating the Promised Gameland.” REPLAYING JAPAN 3 :151-160 https://doi.org/10.34382/00014543
研究ノート – Research Note
Kawaguchi Asuka. 2021. “A Comparison of Gender Aspects in Japanese and U.S Chat Fiction Mobile Applications.” REPLAYING JAPAN 3 :163-168 https://doi.org/10.34382/00014544
Nakamura Akinori(Aki). 2021. “Comparative Studies on the Development of the Esports Industry—the USA, Japan, and China.” REPLAYING JAPAN 3 :169-177 https://doi.org/10.34382/00014545

発行地 :京都府京都市
形式:冊子 ; 197 pages ; 29.7 cm
言語:jpn ; eng
原著論文 – Original Paper
- Bjarnason, Nökkvi Jarl. 2020. “A Fantasy without a Dream : Japanese Role-Playing Games and the Absence of the Expressive Ideal.” REPLAYING JAPAN 2: 11–21. https://doi.org/10.34382/00013359.
- Ernest, Edmond dit Alban. 2020. “Cross-Media Gaming or Where Toys and Video Games Collide : The Pedestrian Dynamics of Level 5’s Snack World.” REPLAYING JAPAN 2: 23–31. https://doi.org/10.34382/00013360.
- Herfs, Laurence. 2020. “Dreams of the Japanese Self in The Legend of Zelda : Breath of the Wild.” REPLAYING JAPAN 2: 33–47. https://doi.org/10.34382/00013361.
- Idone Cassone, Vincenzo. 2020. “The Japanese Influences on Cultural Gamification.” REPLAYING JAPAN 2: 49–59. https://doi.org/10.34382/00013362.
- Kelly, William H. 2020. “Hands with Four Digits : An Issue in the Rating and Censorship of Video Games in Japan?” REPLAYING JAPAN 2: 61–71. https://doi.org/10.34382/00013363.
- Kobayashi, Nobushige, and Yuhsuke Koyama. 2020. “The Early History of the Hobbyist Production Field of Video Games and Its Impacts on the Establishment of Japan’s Video Game Industries.” REPLAYING JAPAN 2: 73–82. https://doi.org/10.34382/00013364.
- May, Lawrence. 2020. “100-Yen Apocalypse : Sensorial Experiences of Zombie Play in Japanese Game Centers.” REPLAYING JAPAN 2: 83–93. https://doi.org/10.34382/00013365.
- McArthur, Victoria. 2020. “漢字物語 : Design Considerations for a Visual Storytelling Approach to Japanese Language Learning in Augmented Reality.” REPLAYING JAPAN 2: 95–104. https://doi.org/10.34382/00013366.
- Miyake, Youichiro. 2020. “Researching AI Technologies Created in Japan in the 1980s and 1990s.” REPLAYING JAPAN 2: 105–10. https://doi.org/10.34382/00013367.
- 難波優輝. 2020. “ゲームプレイ/ヤの美学:プレイ、プレイヤ、ペルソナ.” REPLAYING JAPAN 2: 111–21. https://doi.org/10.34382/00013368.
- Øygardslia, Kristine, Charlotte Lærke Weitze, and Juhyung Shin. 2020. “The Educational Potential of Visual Novel Games : Principles for Design.” REPLAYING JAPAN 2: 123–34. https://doi.org/10.34382/00013369.
- Scheiding, Ryan. 2020. “‘That’s Not Real Victory’ : Atomic Bomb Collective/Cultural Memory in Call of Duty and Valkyria Chronicles.” REPLAYING JAPAN 2: 135–45. https://doi.org/10.34382/00013370.
- She, Yasheng. 2020. “Melancholic Vortex and Postwar Pacifism in NieR : Automata.” REPLAYING JAPAN 2: 147–55. https://doi.org/10.34382/00013371.
- Stone, Jon. 2020. “Frog Leaps in : Haiku and the Struggle For and Against the Natural World in Japanese RPGs.” REPLAYING JAPAN 2: 157–64. https://doi.org/10.34382/00013372.
- 谷川嘉浩. 2020. “ゲームはどのような移動を与えてくれるのか:マノヴィッチとインゴルドによる移動の感性論.” REPLAYING JAPAN 2: 165–75. https://doi.org/10.34382/00013373.
研究ノート – Research Note
- 小孫康平. 2020. “ビデオゲームのメディア文化とビデオゲーム・リテラシー教育 : NHK番組アーカイブスの教育利用.” REPLAYING JAPAN 2: 179–86. https://doi.org/10.34382/00013374.
レポート – Report
- Ito, Kyohei, Yasuo Kawasaki, Luca Bruno, and Martin Roth. 2020. “Japan’s Videogames and Digital Cultures : Local and Global. A Report about the 6th PaJaKo Workshop between Ritsumeikan and Leipzig University.” REPLAYING JAPAN 2: 189–94. https://doi.org/10.34382/00013375.

発行地 :京都府京都市
形式:冊子 ; 148 pages ; 29.7 cm
言語:jpn ; eng
招聘論文 – Invited Paper
- Newman, James. 2019. “Slower, Squashed and Six Months Late : Japanese Videogames in the UK, 1991-2019.” REPLAYING JAPAN 1: 5–28. https://doi.org/10.34382/00007808.
- Pelletier-Gagnon, Jérémie. 2019. “Players, Cabinets, and the Space In-Between : Case Studies of Non-Ludic Negotiation of Video Game Cabinet Spaces in Japanese Game Centers.” REPLAYING JAPAN 1: 29–39. https://doi.org/10.34382/00007809.
- Okabe, Tsugumi. 2019. “Global Partners against Crime : Rewriting Sherlock Holmes and Watson in Japanese Video Games.” REPLAYING JAPAN 1: 40–51. https://doi.org/10.34382/00007810.
原著論文 – Original Paper
- Ramírez-Moreno, Carlos. 2019. “Hyperculturality, Globalization and Cultural Representation in Japanese Survival Horror.” REPLAYING JAPAN 1: 52–63. https://doi.org/10.34382/00007811.
- Kamm, Björn-Ole. 2019. “Adapting Live-Action Role-Play in Japan : How ‘German’ Roots Do Not Destine ‘Japanese’ Routes.” REPLAYING JAPAN 1: 64–78. https://doi.org/10.34382/00007812.
- 梁宇熹. 2019. “ジャーナリズムの視点から見たゲーム機の流行 『週刊ファミ通』における作品評価についての考察” REPLAYING JAPAN 1: 79–92. https://doi.org/10.34382/00007813.
- Shin, Juhyung. 2019. “韓国ボードゲーム文化の形成と変遷.” REPLAYING JAPAN 1: 93–105. https://doi.org/10.34382/00007814.
- 藤原正仁. 2019. “ゲーム開発者のキャリア中期から後期の発達と課題.” REPLAYING JAPAN 1: 106–17. https://doi.org/10.34382/00007815.
- 毛利仁美, 福田一史, and 細井浩一. 2019. “主題付与方針の提案に向けたビデオゲームの利用者要求に関する研究 : 質問応答サイトの計量テキスト分析.” REPLAYING JAPAN 1: 118–35. https://doi.org/10.34382/00007816 .
研究ノート – Research Note
- 斎藤進也, 福田一史, and 飯田和敏. 2019. “データ閲覧支援のためのターンテーブル型UIの開発 : 「ゲーミングビジュアライゼーション」の観点から.” REPLAYING JAPAN 1: 136–44. https://doi.org/10.34382/00007817.

形式:冊子 ; 90 pages ; 29.7 cm
言語:jpn ; eng
- 上村雅之. 2018. “Replaying Japan 準備号 発刊に寄せて.” REPLAYING JAPAN, 5. http://hdl.handle.net/10367/10879.
- Uemura, Msayuki. 2018. “From Famicom to Super Famicom・The Conversion from a One-Hit Idea to the Creation of a Sustainable System.” REPLAYING JAPAN, 48–52. http://hdl.handle.net/10367/10886.
講演記録 – Lecture Note
- 上村雅之. 2018. “ファミコンからスーパーファミコンへ・単発ヒット発想から持続的システム創造への転換の中で.” REPLAYING JAPAN, 6–10.
http://hdl.handle.net/10367/10880. - 久夛良木健. 2018. “プレイステーション : コンピュータエンターテインメント市場の創造と発展に向けた取り組み.” REPLAYING JAPAN, 11–16.
http://hdl.handle.net/10367/10881. - 中村彰憲, 上村雅之, 久夛良木健, and 浜村弘一. 2018. “パネルディスカッション/温故知新 : プラットフォームビジネスの源流としての家庭用ゲーム機.” REPLAYING JAPAN, 17–24. http://hdl.handle.net/10367/10882.
- ハッチソンレイチェル. 2018. “基調講演/乱反射するヴィジョン : 日本のゲームにおける「トランスメディア・ストーリーテリング」.” REPLAYING JAPAN, 25–34. http://hdl.handle.net/10367/10883.
- カリンスキートーマス J. 2018. “基調講演/専門家たちの言うことは常に間違っている.” REPLAYING JAPAN 0: 35–43. http://hdl.handle.net/10367/10884.
- UEMURA, Msayuki. 2018. “From Famicom to Super Famicom・The Conversion from a One-Hit Idea to the Creation of a Sustainable System.” REPLAYING JAPAN 0: 48–52.
http://hdl.handle.net/10367/10887. - KUTARAGI, Ken. 2018. “PlayStation:Early Efforts in the Creation and Development of the Digital Entertainment Market.” REPLAYING JAPAN 0: 53–59. http://hdl.handle.net/10367/10888.
- NAKAMURA, Akinori, Msayuki UEMURA, Ken KUTARAGI, and Hirokazu HAMAKAWA. 2018. “Panel Discussion/Recall the Past to Understand the Future:Home Video Game Consoles as Origins of Platform Business.” REPLAYING JAPAN 8: 60–67. http://hdl.handle.net/10367/10889.
- HUTCHINSON, Rachael. “Refracted Visions:Transmedia Storytelling in Japanese Games.” REPLAYING JAPAN 0: 68–76.http://hdl.handle.net/10367/10890.
- KALINSKE, Thomas J. “The Experts Are Always Wrong.” REPLAYING JAPAN 0: 77–84. http://hdl.handle.net/10367/10891.