Game Music Cultures in Japan and Germany: DAAD workshop#1 開催のお知らせ


Date: 2023.7.6 (Thur) 14:00 – 16:00

Place: 立命館大学衣笠キャンパス 創思館401,402
Ritsumeikan University Kinugasa Campas, Soshikan building, Room 401,402

Introduction by Marin Roth, Christoph Hust

Presentations topics
・Music and Analogue Games
Johannes Tunger, Board Games and Musical Canon
Siyu Yang, Board Game Music in Japan, China, and Germany
・Music in Digital Games
Kiyone Hirata, Digital Game Soundtracks in Japan
Svenja Rademacher, The Role of Music in Super Mario, The Legend of Zelda, and Pokémon
・Fan Cultures / Enthusiast Cultures
Emyd Espinoza, Video Game Music as a Means of Building “Gaming Identity”
Kazuki Takahata, The Modernity of Video Game Music: From the Persectives of “Aleatoric Music” and “Music Concrete”
