2023年度第4回定例研究会 “Project Presentation: Cultures of Home Computer Music in the 1980s”

来る2023年6月30日(金)、立命館大学ゲーム研究センターによる2023年度第4回定例研究会を実施致します。発表者は、Christoph Hust氏です。登録・参加料不要となっております。お誘い合わせの上、奮ってご参加のほど、お待ちしております。

発表タイトル Title
Project Presentation: Cultures of Home Computer Music in the 1980s

■発表者 Presenter
Christoph Hust(University for Music and Theatre, Leipzig)

日時 Date and Time
6月30日(金) 17:15~19:15

場所 Venue
立命館大学衣笠キャンパス 学而館研究会室 3 アクセス
Ritsumeikan Kinugasa Campas, Gakujikan Reserch Room 3 Access

概要 Summary
This presentation introduces the research project “Cultures of Home Computer Music in the 1980s: Technology, Networks, and Products between the Cold War and Globalization.” The project explores how the “home computer revolution” around 1980 influenced private music production. It focuses on diverse topics such as the development of hardware (sound chips, computers, gaming consoles, synthesizers) and software, communication through books, magazines, and early online media, and the evolution of musical styles. During this period, a wide range of music was created by programmer/composers and hobbyist musicians, utilizing a plethora of technically limited, mostly incompatible hardware, experimental software with various interface designs, and mostly analogue distribution channels. The resulting music spanned genres from game music to chiptunes, and from demos to experimental multimedia, among others. Thus, the 1980s played a significant role in shaping modern global digital cultures.



発表者:難波優輝 2023年7月22日(土) 13:00-15:00