2022年度 第2回定例研究会:Tourism in Video Games

来たる2022年6月2日、立命館大学ゲーム研究センターによる2022年度第2回定例研究会をオンラインにて実施いたします。発表者は、NGUYEN Anh-Thu(MEXT Research Student atGraduate School of International Relations, RU)氏です。登録・参加料不要となっております。お誘い合わせの上、奮ってご参加のほど、お待ちしております。

発表タイトル Title
Tourism in Video Games

■日時 Date

場所 place

On Site

  • 立命館大学衣笠キャンパス 学而館研究会室3 Ritsumeikan Kinugasa Campas, Gakujikan Reserch Room 3 http://www.ritsumei.ac.jp/accessmap/kinugasa/


< ZOOM >

  • https://ritsumei-ac-jp.zoom.us/j/95534255181?pwd=QUVHc3Z6L1k2dzZKMUp1RVI0OFFrdz09
  • ミーティングID meeting ID: 955 3425 5181
  • パスコード pass code : 647678
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■概要 Summary

Presentation Summary: Big-budget video game titles such as Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, Cyberpunk 2077, or Ghost of Tsushima prise themselves with ever-bigger game worlds for players to find their own unique adventures. These games put exploration and travel at the forefront, appealing both visually and emotionally to players through means of landscapes, cityscapes, and points of interests to guide their movement and explorative drive. In this sense, video games can and should be situated within touristic experiences, leaving implications for both traveling in digital worlds and inevitably changing our relationship to the sights and places we see in the physically real one. My research focuses on digital travel as an experience, with particular interest in places that have been inspired partially or entirely by places we find in history, pop culture or our contemporary world. The translation or interpretation of these places into the digital bear cultural and political implications in the relationship between player, travel and tourism.

■言語 language
